- 高雄醫學大學醫學系畢業
- 國立成功大學生命科學研究所博士班
- 臺灣婦產科專科醫師
- 美國洛杉磯UCLA大學胚胎及神經幹細胞研究參訪學者
- 曾任臺灣衛生署立屏東醫院婦產科主任
- 現任臺灣維格醫美集團兩性康復及再生醫學修復中心主持人
- 現任北京寶島婦產醫院愛宜珍兩性康復及再生醫學中心主持人
- 現任北京國際醫療(IMC)兩性康復及再生醫學中心主持人
- 現任安和婦幼醫院集團(施樂美達)兩性康復及再生醫學修復中心主持人

- .亞太抗衰老及健康管理協會(AAAHM)副理事長
.美國Arthrex ACP PRP原廠顧問及大中華區種子講師
.美國雷射陰道回春學院(LVRIA) 陰道回春手術及G點注射認證
.美國邁阿密乳房中心(Miami Breast Center)乳房重建及自體脂肪移植手術訓練認證
.美國醫學美容外科協會(AAAMS)肉毒桿菌素、 玻尿酸注射、換膚認證
.美國國際聯合體雕學會(IUL) PRP注射及脂肪自體移植手術認證
.無痛局部麻醉精雕抽脂(美國Klein Tumescent 抽脂課程訓練及手術認證結業)
.美國PRP Vampire lifting system 認證(Vampire face lifting、Vampire breast lifting、P shot、O shot)
.美國帝國醫學教育訓練機構(Empire Medical Training)醫學美容課程專業認證(精密肉毒治療、精密玻尿酸治療、PRP治療、精密醫美雷射治療、自體脂肪移植)
.美國骨科關節疼痛治療及再生增生協會(AAOM及AOAPRM )骨關節、周邊神經PRP及幹細胞再生注射認證課程結業
.Rhinolook鼻部微整認證 / 韓式4D埋線認證/童顏針(Sculptra )原廠認證 - .世界婦科重建及整型醫學會國際委員會委員及特聘國際講師
Dr. Jennifer Poning Lee
Dr. Jennifer Poning Lee is not only a famous Taiwanese obstetrician and gynecologist, she also has been trained in the Laser Vagina Rejuvenation Institute of America (LVRIA) and received curricular and surgical instruction from the institute’s founder Dr. David Matlock and inventor of patented techniques. As a result, she became the first patent authorized male and female sexual rejuvenation physician and has taken these techniques, which are in line with those of America and Europe, back to Taiwan and China to help bring couples happier sex lives. Most of the world’s famous vaginal rejuvenation doctors come from the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute of America. Only those physicians who have received complete curricular and surgical training can be registered on the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institution of America world-wide website, and Dr. Jennifer Poning Lee is currently the only doctor in the Greater China and Taiwan region who has been formally registered in the LVRIA website.

懷孕的女人最美麗,但產後的女人最憂鬱!【恐怖醫學院】讓你知道女人產後到底煩惱些甚麼? 超驚人的迷思破解,將一覽無遺女性的私密心靈!